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Mum's the Word - 2: It's all sh*ts and giggles - Rebecca Oxtoby

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Mum's the Word: it's all shits and giggles follows on from the highly successful and hilariously funny Mum's the Word: the shit nobody tells you about parenthood.

'The teeny little boob-monster is now a walking, talking sass-pot. She wrongly believes that she is independent, yet the only thing that she can successfully accomplish is the ability to turn a four-bedroomed house into a glorified shit-hole within 20 minutes of waking. And yet, she still can’t put her own socks on, or wipe her arse'

Rebecca's first book recieved phenomenal praise from readers and critics alike. Her second book continues to explore the raw and unfiltered side of parenthood, by documenting the transition from baby to toddler, and the mother's journey from baby mama to mediator, negotiator, working mother and multi-tasking mother fluffer.

The brilliant, dry and witty comedy is back for a second time to unite mothers against the Supermum pretence, and fill you with joyous laughter in the three and a half minutes of peace you get each day.

Join Rebecca as she playfully documents the truth behind life as a parent; re-living the highs and lows of real motherhood.

Rebecca Oxtoby is an Amazon number one best-seller in Child Care, Child Discipline and Pre-School and Toddler Education.

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